Integrate youtube upload video in Laravel

Posted By : Vishal Yadav | 13-Apr-2020

In this tutorial we will talk about uploading videos in single youtube channel(account) not multiple.


    Pull the following package from github via composer


  composer require dawson/youtube


Register in the service provider in `config/app.php`


'providers' => [


Add alias for same provider with in the same file.


'aliases' => [
    'Youtube' => Dawson\Youtube\Facades\Youtube::class,




Publish youtube.php config file and migrate.


php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Dawson\Youtube\YoutubeServiceProvider"


For migration use the artisan migrate command to generate table to store youtube access tokens


php artisan migrate


Obtaining credentials


To abtain the access make changes in config/youtube.php

change enabled to true to access the youtube auth url. By default auth url is disabled because of security issue.


Visit to your google app and copy the client_id and secreat code.

Put same on your .env file as



Add http://YOUR_SITE_URL/youtube/callback in your app auth urls.


Visit to page http://YOUR_SITE_URL/youtube/auth to link the youtube channel to your site.


Hurry, thats it. Create a controller in Laravel and use below code to upload video to youtube channel.


use Youtube;




$fullPathToVideo = storage_path('app/public/video.mp4');
$video = Youtube::upload($fullPathToVideo, [
    'title'       => 'My Video',
    'description' => 'Video description here.',
    'tags'	      => ['some', 'tags', 'here'],
    'category_id' => 7

return $video->getVideoId();


In order to delete the video use




About Author

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Vishal Yadav

Vishal is a backend developer with good knowledge of WordPress, Codeigniter and js/jQuery. He likes to learn new technologies and play video games.

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