How to Configure Kafka on Ubuntu

Posted By : Sonu Kumar | 27-Sep-2017

Kafka is distributed messaging system.

Kafka is very fast. It performs 2 million writes per second.This makes it very easy to transfer data from page cache to network socket.

Kafka is high throughput systems. Kafka does work very well as a replacement for many more traditional message broker like RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ etc..

There are various merits of Kafka:





Kafka is distributed and fault tolerance.It has high throughput.


1.Install Oracle JDK 1.8 by the terminal on Ubuntu write command on Ubuntu like below in image:


2.Install Zookeeper  and telnet by writing the command on terminal like below in image:


After the installation completes then ZooKeeper will be started as a daemon automatically. By default, this will  be listening on port 2181.

3.Download Kafka binaries and extract that tar file by using the command like that on ubuntu via terminal.See below in image:


Now Configure the Kafka Server by using the command on ubuntu via terminal like below in image :


Since Kafka does not allow to delete topics by default .for enable the delete topics to add the line in setting like below go to file


and write :delete.topic.enable = true and save it that file.

Now Start or Run  the kafka Server by using command via terminal on ubuntu like below in image:



About Author

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Sonu Kumar

Sonu Kumar is having sound knowledge in Java, Servlets and Jsp. He loves to spend time with his family and roaming with friends.

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