Hi everyone, I came across this amazing tool called ngrok which allows to create secure tunnel to local host very conveniently.
ngrok allows you to create a tunnel from the public internet to your local host.
ngrok is tool which creates a secure tunnel to local host with public URL which you can use for browsing your local site. Basically it provides a publicly accessible IP address and domain name to your localhost server.
It's very simple to setup setup ngrok
Simply download zip from https://ngrok.com/download
Unzip it
How to use ngrok
Let's say your application is running at port 8080. In terminal you just need to type ngrok http 8080, it will enable ngrok listen on port 8080 and creates secure tunnel.
In above image you may find two forwarding URL's. http://2574a988.ngrok.io and https://2574a988.ngrok.io When you hit those URL's in your web browser it will point to your localhost:8080
if you opt to sign-up, you will be able to use custom subdomains. You may define custom subdomains like http://your-domain-name.ngrok.io
Hope this helps.
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About Author
Yasir Zuberi
Yasir is Lead Developer. He is a bright Java and Grails developer and have worked on development of various SaaS applications using Grails framework.