Criteria Builder in Neo4j
Posted By : Jasgeet Singh | 30-Nov-2017
In my one of the project, I got the
MapqueryParameters = new HashMap(); String query = "MATCH (c:Client{citizenDead:false})-[r:GET_SERVICE_FROM]->(o:Organization) WHERE id(o)= {unitId} AND id(c) in {citizenIds} AND ( c.firstName=~{name} OR c.lastName=~{name} ) AND c.cprNumber STARTS WITH {cprNumber} with c,r\n"; queryParameters.put("unitId", organizationId); queryParameters.put("name", clientFilterDTO.getName()); queryParameters.put("cprNumber", clientFilterDTO.getCprNumber()); queryParameters.put("phoneNumber", clientFilterDTO.getPhoneNumber()); queryParameters.put("civilianStatus", clientFilterDTO.getClientStatus()); queryParameters.put("skip", Integer.valueOf(skip)); queryParameters.put("latLngs", clientFilterDTO.getLocalAreaTags()); query += "OPTIONAL MATCH (c)-[:HAS_HOME_ADDRESS]->(ca:ContactAddress) with ca,c,r\n"; if(StringUtils.isBlank(clientFilterDTO.getPhoneNumber())){ query += "OPTIONAL MATCH (c)-[:HAS_CONTACT_DETAIL]->(cd:ContactDetail) with cd,ca,c,r\n"; }else{ query += "MATCH (c)-[:HAS_CONTACT_DETAIL]->(cd:ContactDetail) WHERE cd.privatePhone STARTS WITH {phoneNumber} with cd,ca,c,r\n"; } if(clientFilterDTO.getClientStatus() == null){ query += "OPTIONAL MATCH (c)-[:CIVILIAN_STATUS]->(cs:CitizenStatus) with cs,cd,ca,c,r\n"; }else{ query += "MATCH (c)-[:CIVILIAN_STATUS]->(cs:CitizenStatus) WHERE id(cs) = {civilianStatus} with cs,cd,ca,c,r\n"; } if(clientFilterDTO.getLocalAreaTags().isEmpty()){ query += "OPTIONAL MATCH (c)-[:HAS_LOCAL_AREA_TAG]->(lat:LocalAreaTag) with lat,cs,cd,ca,c,r\n"; } else{ query += "MATCH (c)-[:HAS_LOCAL_AREA_TAG]->(lat:LocalAreaTag) WHERE id(lat) in {latLngs} with lat,cs,cd,ca,c,r\n"; } query += "return {name:c.firstName+\" \" +c.lastName,id:id(c), age:c.age,, gender:c.gender, cprNumber:c.cprNumber , citizenDead:c.citizenDead, joiningDate:r.joinDate,,"; query += "address:ca.houseNumber+\" \" +ca.street1, phoneNumber:cd.privatePhone, workNumber:cd.workPhone, clientStatus:id(cs), lat:ca.latitude, lng:ca.longitude, "; query += "localAreaTag:CASE WHEN lat IS NOT NULL THEN {id:id(lat),} ELSE NULL END} as Client ORDER BY c.firstName ASC SKIP {skip} LIMIT 20 "; return , query, queryParameters).iterator(), Spliterator.ORDERED), false).collect(Collectors.
I am hoping here you
Optional keyword, so in this
I hope this blog
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About Author
Jasgeet Singh
Jasgeet is a Sr. Lead developer .He is an experienced Groovy and Grails and has worked on designing & developing B2B and B2C portals using Grails technologies.