Creating sub menus in Netgem STB sdk
Posted By : Deepak Kumar | 13-May-2014
This blog will describe how to create application sub-menus in Netgem.
In Netgem we generally create child forms as sub menus.So let's have a look on steps,we need to do this.
step 1: Create a Parent class and set its inheritence to FormWidget.
function Parent(_json, _options) { this.super(_json, _options); this._userData = _options.userData; } Parent.inherits(FormWidget);
step 2 : Create Child Class and set its inheritence to FormWidget.
function Child(config, options) { this.super(config, options) } Child.inherits(FormWidget);
Step 3 : Now you have to register your child class with FormWidget System.You need to pass an ID, Child Class Name ,and path to its json configuration file.
FormWidget.registerType("class1", Child, "Child.json");
You can also call FormWidget.registerTypeStandard() function.
Step 4: FormWidget.formOpenChild() method instantiates a formwidget and set it as child.
return this.formOpenChild("class1", , "formOpenChild");
Step 5 : Now we can set state for parent form according to our need.Normally when a child form enters in focus state,parent form loses its focus.We can do this by using onBlur() and onFocus() function.
Parent.prototype.onBlur = function onBlur(param) { NGM.trace("Parent blur: " + param); this.widgets.infoPanel.stateChange("blur"); } Parent.prototype.onFocus = function onFocus(param) { NGM.trace("Parent focus: " + param); this.widgets.infoPanel.stateChange("enter"); }
Step 6 : Now we can handle different key Event . In this application , when a Parent form recieves KEY_IRENTER event it simply opens its child form or submenu form .And if Child form recieves KEY_IRBACK it simply closes.
Parent.prototype.onKeyPress = function onKeyPress(_key) { switch (_key) { case "KEY_IRENTER": return this.formOpenChild("class1", , "formOpenChild"); } return false; } Child.prototype.onKeyPress = function onKeyPress(_key) { switch (_key) { case "KEY_IRBACK": return this.formClose("formClose"); } return false; }
step 7 : Below is the json file content for parent Form.
{ "widgets": { "infoPanel": { "create": "CanvasWidget", "param": { "w": 640, "h": 360, "speed": 600, "zIndex": 1, "defaultState": "exit", "states": { "enter" : { "x": 320, "y": 180, "w": 640, "h": 360, "a": 255 }, "exit" : { "x": 640, "y": 360, "w": 0, "h": 0, "a": 255 }, "blur" : { "x": 320, "y": 180, "w": 640, "h": 360, "a": 92 } }, "draw": "infoPanelDraw" } } } }
Here is the final output of this application.

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About Author
Deepak Kumar
Deepak is a bright Web App Developer, and has good knowledge of Core Java, Advance Java (Servlet, JSP, JSTL) and Hibernate, JUnit.