Why we need a Beta Testing for End Users
Posted By : Nargis Khan | 30-Jun-2017
About Beta Testing
Beta Testing is the type of Testing which is conducted by the End users or on the Client side. In this types of testing, the group of End users which is expert in their domain start testing the application as per the client's need. This is the final step of the application after launched by the developers. If they find any bug they report to the client. After that Client sends the bug report to the project Manager.
Fig1: Shows phases of Software Development process
Types of Beta Testing
There are the different type of Beta test which is given below:
Traditional Testing-> Product is delivered to target audience and collect the related data. That data will help to improve the Quality of the application.
Public Testing-> In this the product is launched after 50% of completion. That data will collect with online channels and resolved.
Technical Testing-> In this, the application only gives to the internal group organization which tests the application and give the feedback and developers resolved them.
Featured Testing-> In this, Beta Tester only test the specific features and data.
Post Release Testing-> Product is launched in the market now collect the feedback for the future release
Objective of Beta Testing
The main objective of Beta Testing provides the product to the genuine users which might have the knowledge of testing. These users can find the issue for Client point of view.
Beta Test happen in the Second phase of testing. We can directly give the application of to target audience for testing.
Beta testing is very fruitful for the Client point of view because the application is tested very accurately with the multiple End users.
Due to multiple End Users bug find easily.
Fig2: Shows the Process in Beta Testing
Major factors which find with the help of Beta Testing
Quality-> Quality of the Application is increased by the Beta Testing Because when Multiple end Users are testing the application it reduced the list of the bug in the real scenarios.
Cost-> Cost of the application is also decreased due to Tested the application on Client side.
Performance-> In this, developers will get to know the performance of the application in the real scenarios.
Benefits of Beta Testing
The Beta Tester find the bug in the application which not might face by you.
Testers will give the feedback of the application so we can fix the issue before the application launched on production.
We can fix the bug before going the application real user's hand.
As soon as the application is launched on production user’s will familiar easily.
Beta tester increases the quality of the application.
Conclusion-> Beta Testing the important phase for the End-Up of the application. With the help of Beta, Tester developer will parallel fix the issue also. Due to this the quality of the application increases.
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About Author
Nargis Khan
Nargis is certified in Manual Testing , she has done B.Tech in computer science. Her Hobbies are reading books & listening music.