The Role Of Big Data Analytics on Social Media

Posted By : Manisha Jangwal | 08-Feb-2018

The Role Of Big Data Analytics on Social Media

A stream of data collected everyday holds a sound significance, if you know the term Big Data. The world is moving towards digitization. So, there are a myriad of devices or sources which are able to gather data every day. Owing to internet revolution, IoT devices are going to be in surplus to collect data. 


A voluminous amount of data is known as Big Data. This data is useful for companies to determine customer purchasing behaviour, customer preferences, predict customer behavior, analyzing markets. With Big data analytics, businesses can make powerful decisions.


Social media is a what acquires tons of data every minute. The reason is people are sharing updates at every hour or minute. Social media platform have enormous data from people that depicts invaluable data about individuals and societies. What involves in their conversations helps to know what they think about any brand or anything. Although we lack some tools to analyze all the data in the world. However, Social media data can be processed and extracted to increase sales performances by companies. Big data analytics on social media platform help marketers to apprehend behavioral patterns of customers, how to target audiences for sales. For making every marketing decision, big data plays a crucial role and becomes a driving factor.

There are two sides of big data on social media which comes under online marketing :



Big Data analytics tools on social media platforms allow marketers to target audience within a particular group. AI enabled big data tools help companies to promptly connect with targeted audience with low cost advertising techniques. As the data is set apart and parsed by the Machine learning algorithms, so social media platforms give an opportunity to the companies through detailed specifications to target their customers. There is less cost involved in it because you will advertise your brand or product to only those who are interested. 

In fact, it also provides you the chance to advertise your product to someone who likes a specific song or technology.


You may also read: How Big Data Could Be A Smart Choice For Your Business


Big Data as Social Media Analytics

Big data on social media analytics holds very much importance. If you use Big data analytics tools on social media it helps you understand the vital metrics of your brand performance. When you have access to plenty of  metrics like comments on post, reactions, replies, likes and more. Any business can have insight about the interaction between their customer base and their content. So, all demographics, charts, graphs give you crucial information about your brand. As demographics tells what is your current audience, engagement charts will provide how your audience get involved with the your content and  audience growth graph helps you to find out the how much likes are on your social media profile every day. Ultimately, all of it provides  you the way to work towards shifting your objectives or brand message so that it can better fit the existing customer base.


Social media marketing takes maximum benefit from big data on social media because marketers are able to make best decisions for their business. It leads to better customer experience and better profitability.Not only this, Social media analytics will let you uncover the issues associated with your brand. A marketer cannot properly analyze the issues despite the fact that how expert he is. He will need the right tools or analytics to find proper information.

Big data is impacting and transforming our daily lives. It also has many applications in other fields too.

About Author

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Manisha Jangwal

Manisha is working as a Content Writer. She enjoys elaborating on minor details with a plethora of information. Her hobbies are going out , exploring new things and listening to music.

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