Java Messaging Service
Posted By : Navin Purohit | 28-May-2018
What Does JMS Do
Java messaging service which is also known as JMS is a method of communication between software components or applications. E-mails are also a way to communicate specifically from person to person or person to group or vice-versa. Using JMS we can talk from computer to computer.
JMS is an API provided by Sun microsystem that allows applications to:
3.receive messages
Programming Model
The administrator binds into a JNDI namespace using connection factories (CF) and destinations (D).
A JMS client using the JMS provider, lookup the administered objects and establish a logical connection.
JMS message consists of:-
destination, timestamp
2.Properties (optional)
2.1 Message properties allow message receivers to choose which types of messages they would like to receive.
2.2 Message receivers use message selectors to filter out messages which are done at server side
3.Body (optional)
information part of the message
Message Consumption
JMS messages consumed in two ways:
A subscriber or receiver explicitly fetches a message from the destination using the “receive” method.
The “receive” method can block till a message arrives or reach to timeout incase message does not arrive on time limit
A client can register a message listener (like an event listener) with a consumer.
Whenever a message arrives at the destination the JMS Provider delivers the message by calling the listener’s “onMessage” method which acts on the contents of the message
Point-to-Point Messaging Domain
1. Applications are built around the concepts of message queues, senders, and receivers.
2. Queues retain all messages until they are either consumed or expired.
3. Each message has only one consumer.
4. There are no timing dependencies
5. The receiver acknowledges the successful processing of a message
Publish/Subscribe Messaging Domain
Use publish/subscribe messaging when each message can be processed by zero, one or many consumers and durable subscriptions exist for subscribers not currently active. Please refer below diagram.
Message Oriented Middleware
1. HornetQ
2. ActiveMQ
3. RabbitMQ
4. JBossMQ
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About Author
Navin Purohit
Navin has an experience of 4 years in Java and NodeJS. He is eager to learn new technologies and want to explore his inner strengths.