Introduction To TestNG Framework

Posted By : Mohd Sheemal | 27-May-2018

Introduction of TestNG Framework :

In selenium using java there are two frameworks are there -

1- JUnit

2- TestNG (Next Generation)

Selection of testing framework is depends on programing platform :

If you select java, supported frameworks are :

Java – Junit, TestNG.

C# .Net – Nunit.

PHP – Behat + Mink.

Ruby – Repect, Test:Unit.

Python – PyUnit, Py:Test.


-> TestNG is a testing framework was design in to simplify a broad range of testing needs from unit testing to system testing. It is open source and third party . It is also used for other level of testing.

-> Initially it was developed for unit testing, now used for all levels of testing.

-> TestNG is a open-source software where NG stands for Next Generation.

-> TestNG inspired by JUnit & NUnit but introduced some new functionalities.


Advantages of TestNG :

-> TestNG annotations are easy to create testcases.

-> Testcases can be grouped and prioritized more easily.

-> Executing multiple programs / Classes using XML file.


Scenario -1

-> We have one class and it has four testcases, Execute then four testcases will be executed continously.

Scenario -2

-> We have four java classes, each class having four testcases (Total sixteen testcases),

Execute using TestNG all four classes can be executed continously.


Install TestNG and write first TestNG test case:

1- Launch Eclipse IDE and Select Help menu.

2- Select Install New Software.


3- Click “Add Button”.


4- Enter name as TestNG.


5- Enter url as :


6- Click OK.

Then TestNG option will be populated.

7- Select TestNG.


8- Next > Next > Accept the Agreement > Finish.


After finish restart the eclipse IDE then you can use TestNG.


Verify the TestNG -

Write a TestNG program / Test case and execute :


Test Steps :

1- Launh the browser.

2- Navigate to google home page.(


Verification point :

1- Capture the page title and compare with expected.

Expected : “Google”.

Test data : N/A.


package com.framework;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import junit.framework.Assert;

public class Example1 

	public void example()
       WebDriver driver=new ChromeDriver();
       driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
       String pageTitle = driver.getTitle();
       Assert.assertEquals(pageTitle, "Google");



Note : Main method is not used in TestNG program.

-> TestNG program contains methods only, that contain annotation.

-> If we don't write @Test annotation then method / testcase won't be executed.

-> Create Multiple test cases :

1- Launch browser().

2- Verify Title().

3- Close Browser().

In this TestNG program there are three testcases -


package com.framework;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import junit.framework.Assert;

public class Example2 
	static WebDriver driver;
	@Test (priority=1)
	public void launchBrowser()
       driver=new ChromeDriver();
	@Test (priority=2)
	public void verifyTitle()
	    String pageTitle = driver.getTitle();
	    Assert.assertEquals(pageTitle, "Google");
	@Test (priority=3)
	public void closeBrowser()

-> TestNG test cases are executed in alphabetical order, If you want to control the test execution process then use priority attribute.

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Mohd Sheemal

Mohd Sheemal is a Bright QA Engineer. He has a good knowledge over Selenium.

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