Installation and configuration for Apache Jmeter

Posted By : Ravindra Jha | 03-Mar-2014

                                         Load Testing Using Apache Jmeter

This blog will discuss the tools and its configuration for performance analysis and Load Testing for your application. 

What is Load Testing?

Load Testing is test for an application under the immense load and analyzing its response time, number of hits etc.

Tool used for Load testing is Jmeter, which is the java desktop application use to exercise load test.It was developed by apache community.It is multithreading extensible application can run concurrent sampler request and different protocols likes- HTTP,HTTPS,FTP etc.

Installing Jmeter  for Ubuntu-12.04 LTS:-

  1. Go to jmeter website

  2. From binary distribution section download the latest version(2.11) of jmeter and copy it to the /usr/local/

                 $ cp Downloads/apache-jmeter-2.11.tar /usr/local

  1. Change the directory to /usr/local

           $ cd /usr/local

  2. Extract it .

           $usr/local>tar apache-jmeter-2.11.tar .

  3. From the bin run the script,it will start Jmeter.

          $usr/local/apache-jmeter-2.11> sudo sh /bin/

Jmeter Test Plan and Its Elements for load testing:-

1.Test Plan is the script(XML) contains various elements configuration

2.Workbench is jmeter node use to temporarily store jmeter test plan elements.

3.Thread Group is are the thread represents the users. It's properties are-

  • Action to be taken after Sampler Error


                 >Stop Thread

                 >Stop Test

  • Number of Thread provides number of user visiting.

  • Ramp up time represents the gap between two thread(user) activation

  • Loop count defines the number of times it executes the test

  • Schedular set the time of execution of test.

4.Controller is the buisiness part of the test plan.It is of two type



       >Logic Controller

5.Sampler enables to hit a specific type of request to the server for a resource

  1. Logic controller controles the processing order of sampler.It has various types like Loop, If, Recording etc..

  2. Listner is the elements gives results of the test in various format like CSV, XML, Tree, Graph etc.

  3. Timer sets the time between two request for a thread for example constant timer add time in milisecond.

  4. Assertions allows to add validation on response data.



About Author

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Ravindra Jha

Ravindra is a seasoned Java and Grails lead developer with excellent experience in deployment , monitoring , optimisation of web applications for scalability and performance on Amazon EC2 and other Amazon Web Services.

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