How to implement Braintree client for card payment in iOS Swift
Posted By : Varun Wadhwa | 13-Mar-2016
First of all you need to add Braintree framework into your project. add pod 'Braintree/Card' in podfile of your project.
now import Braintree in file in which you want to collect card details.
import Braintree
declare the BTAPIClient instance as :
var braintreeAPIClient: BTAPIClient?
now you need to obtain a client Token from your backend server, your backend server is responsible for genrating a clientToken by Braintree server side SDK.
so before initialization of BTAPIClient make sure you have obtained the clientToken.
now intialize the BTAPIClient instance as:
braintreeAPIClient = BTAPIClient(authorization: clientToken)!
//clientToken must obtain from backend server before initialization
now create a BTCardClient instance
let cardClient = BTCardClient(APIClient: braintreeAPIClient!)
now you need to need to instantiate a BTCard , BTCard represents the credit card data of customer and serve as input for tokenization.
let braintreeCard = BTCard(number: creditCardNumber, expirationMonth: expiryMonth, expirationYear: expiryYear, cvv: cvvNumber)
now tokenize the BTCard with BTCARDClient as :
cardClient.tokenizeCard(braintreeCard) { (tokenizedCard, error) in
// tokenizedCard!.nonce genrated here can be send to your backend server and further processing take place at backend server.
send resulting tokenizedCard!.nonce to your backend server.
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About Author
Varun Wadhwa
Varun is a mobile developer with experience in various technologies like Titanium , Cordova and native iOS development.