Enhancing Business Communication: AR VR in Workplace Collaboration

Posted By : Arpita Pal | 31-Jan-2024

With the advent of hybrid and remote working culture, workspaces are no longer restricted to physical spaces, instead, they can be accessed from anywhere in the digital medium with the help ofr augmented and virtual reality. AR and VR technology has broadened the ability to communicate and interact among people by providing immersive and engaging virtual spaces, where they can experience real-life simulations through 3D visualizations, holographic displays and more. Realizing the immense potential of AR-VR-based technology, businesses are heavily investing in virtual meeting room platforms to elevate their mediums for official communication for more enriching interactions, flexibility and disruption-free work. Virtual meeting rooms expand the possibilities for taking work to a global level while providing the convenience of working from the comfort of their homes, saving hugely on travel expenses and experiencing a higher degree of collaboration for increased productivity. This article aims to explore how AR VR in workplace collaboration is enhancing business communication through immersive experiences and digital collaboration tools.

Use cases of AR-VR-Based Virtual Meeting Rooms


1) VR Remote Collaboration: Virtual collaboration meetings provide employees with an interactive and immersive virtual space for brainstorming and working together to collaboratively achieve targets and resolve workplace tasks and challenges. With assistance from virtual tools, employees across various geographic locations can share screens, files, and express their creativity to navigate difficult tasks virtually which significantly helps in removing the limitations of traditional workplace meetings. One of the larger benefits of Virtual collaborative spaces can involve as many people as the platform can accommodate facilitating greater amounts of knowledge sharing across many people. 


2) Virtual Workspaces: A great alternative for remote workers, virtual workspaces provide digital spaces for workers to complete their tasks in virtual environments with assistance from VR-based tools. Such virtual spaces allow employees to customize their digital workspace as per their requirements and convenience which aids in enhancing their productivity and efficiency. It's greatly beneficial for employees working from remote areas that don't have access to work-conducive environments, as they can utilize such virtual workplaces to accomplish their tasks hassle-free without any disruptions.


3) VR Conferences: Virtual conferences provide an immersive and dynamic experience for conducting important conferences with large numbers of participants through customizable workplace environmental settings along with a digital avatar that each participant can choose for themselves. These experiences are formulated to resemble real-life conferences with the added functionality of participants joining from remote locations for convenience and flexibility. 


4) VR Business Meetings: One of the most popular forms of virtual meetings, VR business meetings can be conducted with the help of equipment involving headsets, which the participants can wear to initiate the meeting and conduct their official discussion over virtual spaces. It frees the participants from disruptions, sets up customized and interactive environmental settings for meeting, and utilizes digital collaborative tools to express their creativity and thought process, and allows greater flexibility and freedom to express themselves.


5) VR Training Sessions: Virtual Reality allows employees and participants to experience real-life simulations under controlled conditions to get hands-on experience in their training schedules. Through 3D visualizations and interactive displays, trainees can experience complex procedures and difficult scenarios that are hard to replicate in real life and train themselves in such simulations. Such detailed training sessions allow participants to elevate their understanding of complicated procedures and skill and train themselves as many times they wish without having the fear of exhausting resources or limited access.


6) Virtual Networking Events: Virtual reality zones provide expansive and immersive digital environments for a large number of people to network and build fruitful connections without being restricted by long distances, unsuitable conditions etc. A diverse number of events have the potential to be held virtually including panel exhibitions, conferences, trade shows, etc where visitors can experience them from the convenience of their own homes.


Benefits of AR VR in Workplace Collaboration For Creating Immersive Virtual Meeting Rooms


1) Seamless Collaboration: Augmented and virtual reality negates the requirement of traveling to different locations, as they present expansive immersive and interactive digital mediums to employees and participants for collaborating, conducting meetings and important discussions without disruptions. Participants across different geographical locations can join in virtual meetings and express themselves freely with virtual collaboration tools, helping them enhance productivity and enjoy flexibility from the comfort of their preferred locations. With AR VR in workplace collaboration, employees and participants can save precious time, and financial resources to concentrate on accomplishing tasks in real-time for maximum efficiency and productivity.


2) Greater Cost Efficiency: The recent pandemic coerced people all over the world to find alternative options for carrying out their professional duties. Virtual and augmented reality presented a promising potential to allow innumerable participants to carry out work discussions, tasks and important events in digital mediums without leaving the comfort of their homes which led to increased savings, resources, time and efforts. These benefits can be experienced to this date with remote working. AR VR in workplace collaboration frees up organizations and employees from spending on fuel and transportation by instead carrying out essential workplace tasks and requirements over virtual reality spaces, helping them to achieve greater cost efficiency and increased savings.


3) Effective Communication & Knowledge Sharing: Digital mediums and virtual reality platforms are great enablers of effective communication, user engagement and knowledge sharing as they facilitate real-time interaction and data sharing among participants joining from various geographical locations. With the help of innovative virtual collaborative tools, participants can enrich their discussions with 3D visualizations, mixed reality objects and interactive displays and enhance their decision-making process through precise visualization of complex ideas. 


4) Enhanced Productivity: Enterprises can drive higher productivity by investing in virtual reality platforms for official interactive communication among employees. AR VR in workplace collaboration can be utilized for numerous use cases such as accelerating the training and onboarding process with real-life simulation training sessions, immersive networking events for building connections and promotions, carrying out crucial meetings, conferences and seminars with customized background settings etc. By eliminating the need to commute from long distances, facilitating direct and enriching communication and providing collaborative tools for enhanced decision making, 


How Spatial Computing Is Transforming The Development Of Virtual Meeting Rooms

As per definition, spatial computing is an innovative form of computing that merges elements of the physical and virtual world and utilizes progressive technologies to process, capture and engage with elements produced by combining both worlds. It facilitates the creation of  content, products and services that carry the characteristics of both the physical and virtual world to provide new ways of engagement and interaction. Spatial computing is achieved with the help of physical components like headsets that have inbuilt cameras, sensors and microphones. It utilizes technologies such as augmented reality, virtual reality, extended reality, IoT, ambient computing, digital twins and more.

For virtual meeting rooms, spatial computing allows participants of the meeting to interact and communicate with each other in real-time with the help of digital avatars, virtual collaborative tools like augmented smart whiteboards, high-functioning chat tools, project tracking etc and share digital objects to enrich the interactive experience. Companies like Google, Salesforce, T-Moble, BNP Paribas and more are investing heavily in R&D for creating virtually immersive technology in projects like Project Starline and Magic Leap Headsets that provide abilities to hold virtual consultations and conferences with parties from remote locations and resemble direct physical interactions between two parties. 


Also Read: How Augmented Reality is Transforming Retail and eCommerce


Final Thoughts


Augmented reality and virtual reality along with other advanced technologies are progressively innovating mediums of digital interaction and transforming how people choose to communicate over devices. Advancements like spatial computing, extended reality, ambient computing, digital twins etc are taking immersive experiences to the next level by blending elements of physical and virtual worlds to provide a real-life-like experience but with enhanced capabilities to have highly enriched interactions. Businesses are utilizing virtual capabilities to transform how they deliver performance and drive growth for better results and gain competitive advantage. If your business is looking for solutions based in augmented and virtual reality, or technology-based solutions in general, we'd love to be your partner in the journey. Oodles Technologies prides itself on more than 10 years of experience in providing specialized tech-driven solutions for unique challenges of enterprises. You can contact us here, and our experts will get back to you within 24 hours.

About Author

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Arpita Pal

Arpita brings her exceptional skills as a Content Writer to the table, backed by a wealth of knowledge in the field. She possesses a specialized proficiency across a range of domains, encompassing Press Releases, content for News sites, SEO, and crafting website content. Drawing from her extensive background in content marketing, Arpita is ideally positioned for her role as a content strategist. In this capacity, she undertakes the creation of engaging Social media posts and meticulously researched blog entries, which collectively contribute to forging a unique brand identity. Collaborating seamlessly with her team members, she harnesses her cooperative abilities to bolster overall client growth and development.

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