Date Mask using angular ui mask
Posted By : Milind Ahuja | 09-Aug-2016
This pure AngularJS date mask will allow the users to enter only pre-defined pattern or format and is a great way to prevent them from typing the invalid values.
To apply a date mask on input field you require a angular module "angular-ui-mask". You can download it from the following link:
After loading the script files in your application and adding the module to your dependencies you have to do the following:
First of all, replace the file mask.js in the dist folder with the following:
Attaches input mask onto input element
angular.module('ui.mask', [])
.value('uiMaskConfig', {
'maskDefinitions': {
'1': /[0-1]/,
'2': /[0-2]/,
'3': /[0-3]/,
'9': /\d/,
'A': /[a-zA-Z]/,
'*': /[a-zA-Z0-9]/
.value('uiMaskRaw', true)
.directive('uiMask', ['uiMaskConfig', 'uiMaskRaw', '$parse', function(maskConfig, maskRaw, $parse) {
return {
priority: 100,
require: 'ngModel',
restrict: 'A',
compile: function uiMaskCompilingFunction() {
var options = maskConfig,
globalMaskRaw = maskRaw;
return function uiMaskLinkingFunction(scope, iElement, iAttrs, controller) {
var maskProcessed = false,
eventsBound = false,
maskCaretMap, maskPatterns, uiMaskFormat, maskComponents,
// Minimum required length of the value to be considered valid
value, valueMasked, isValid,
// Vars for initializing/uninitializing
originalMaxlength = iAttrs.maxlength,
// Vars used exclusively in eventHandler()
oldValue, oldValueUnmasked, oldCaretPosition, oldSelectionLength,
// Var to override locally the uiMaskRaw global config.
localMaskRaw = globalMaskRaw;
function initialize(maskAttr) {
if (!angular.isDefined(maskAttr)) {
return uninitialize();
if (!maskProcessed) {
return uninitialize();
return true;
function initUiMaskFormat(uiMaskFormatAttr) {
if (!angular.isDefined(uiMaskFormatAttr)) {
uiMaskFormat = uiMaskFormatAttr;
// If the mask is processed, then we need to update the value
if (maskProcessed) {
function formatter(fromModelValue) {
if (!maskProcessed) {
return fromModelValue;
value = unmaskValue(fromModelValue || '');
isValid = validateValue(value);
controller.$setValidity('mask', isValid);
return isValid && value.length ? maskValue(value) : undefined;
function parser(fromViewValue) {
if (!maskProcessed) {
return fromViewValue;
value = unmaskValue(fromViewValue || '');
isValid = validateValue(value);
// We have to set viewValue manually as the reformatting of the input
// value performed by eventHandler() doesn't happen until after
// this parser is called, which causes what the user sees in the input
// to be out-of-sync with what the controller's $viewValue is set to.
if (localMaskRaw === true) {
controller.$viewValue = value.length ? maskValue(value) : '';
} else {
value = value.length ? maskValue(value) : '';
controller.$viewValue = value;
controller.$setValidity('mask', isValid);
if (value === '' && iAttrs.required) {
controller.$setValidity('required', false);
return isValid ? value : undefined;
var linkOptions = {};
if (iAttrs.uiOptions) {
linkOptions = scope.$eval('[' + iAttrs.uiOptions + ']');
if (angular.isObject(linkOptions[0])) {
// we can't use angular.copy nor angular.extend, they lack the power to do a deep merge
linkOptions = (function(original, current) {
for (var i in original) {
if (, i)) {
if (!current[i]) {
current[i] = angular.copy(original[i]);
} else {
angular.extend(current[i], original[i]);
return current;
})(options, linkOptions[0]);
} else {
linkOptions = options;
iAttrs.$observe('uiMask', initialize);
iAttrs.$observe('uiMaskRaw', function(val) {
if (val !== undefined)
localMaskRaw = (val != 'false');
iAttrs.$observe('uiMaskFormat', initUiMaskFormat);
var modelViewValue = false;
iAttrs.$observe('modelViewValue', function(val) {
if (val === 'true') {
modelViewValue = true;
scope.$watch(iAttrs.ngModel, function(val) {
if (modelViewValue && val) {
var model = $parse(iAttrs.ngModel);
model.assign(scope, controller.$viewValue);
function uninitialize() {
maskProcessed = false;
if (angular.isDefined(originalMaxlength)) {
iElement.attr('maxlength', originalMaxlength);
} else {
controller.$viewValue = controller.$modelValue;
return false;
function initializeElement() {
value = oldValueUnmasked = unmaskValue(controller.$modelValue || '');
valueMasked = oldValue = maskValue(value);
isValid = validateValue(value);
var viewValue = isValid && value.length ? valueMasked : '';
if (iAttrs.maxlength) { // Double maxlength to allow pasting new val at end of mask
iElement.attr('maxlength', maskCaretMap[maskCaretMap.length - 1] * 2);
controller.$viewValue = viewValue;
// Not using $setViewValue so we don't clobber the model value and dirty the form
// without any kind of user interaction.
function bindEventListeners() {
if (eventsBound) {
iElement.bind('blur', blurHandler);
iElement.bind('mousedown mouseup', mouseDownUpHandler);
iElement.bind('input keyup click focus', eventHandler);
eventsBound = true;
function unbindEventListeners() {
if (!eventsBound) {
iElement.unbind('blur', blurHandler);
iElement.unbind('mousedown', mouseDownUpHandler);
iElement.unbind('mouseup', mouseDownUpHandler);
iElement.unbind('input', eventHandler);
iElement.unbind('keypress', eventHandler); //custom by Milind
iElement.unbind('keyup', eventHandler);
iElement.unbind('click', eventHandler);
iElement.unbind('focus', eventHandler);
eventsBound = false;
function validateValue(value) {
// Zero-length value validity is ngRequired's determination
return value.length ? value.length >= minRequiredLength : true;
function unmaskValue(value) {
var valueUnmasked = '',
maskPatternsCopy = maskPatterns.slice();
// Preprocess by stripping mask components from value
value = value.toString();
angular.forEach(maskComponents, function(component) {
value = value.replace(component, '');
angular.forEach(value.split(''), function(chr) {
if (maskPatternsCopy.length && maskPatternsCopy[0].test(chr)) {
valueUnmasked += chr;
return valueUnmasked;
function maskValue(unmaskedValue) {
var valueMasked = '',
maskCaretMapCopy = maskCaretMap.slice();
angular.forEach(uiMaskFormat.split(''), function(chr, i) {
if (unmaskedValue.length && i === maskCaretMapCopy[0]) {
valueMasked += unmaskedValue.charAt(0) || ' ';
unmaskedValue = unmaskedValue.substr(1);
} else {
valueMasked += chr;
return valueMasked;
function getMaskFormatChar(i) {
var maskFormat = iAttrs.uiMaskFormat;
if (typeof maskFormat !== 'undefined' && maskFormat[i]) {
return maskFormat[i];
} else {
return ' ';
// Generate array of mask components that will be stripped from a masked value
// before processing to prevent mask components from being added to the unmasked value.
// E.g., a mask pattern of '+7 9999' won't have the 7 bleed into the unmasked value.
// If a maskable char is followed by a mask char and has a mask
// char behind it, we'll split it into it's own component so if
// a user is aggressively deleting in the input and a char ahead
// of the maskable char gets deleted, we'll still be able to strip
// it in the unmaskValue() preprocessing.
function getMaskComponents() {
return uiMaskFormat.replace(/[_]+/g, '_').replace(/([^_]+)([a-zA-Z0-9])([^_])/g, '$1$2_$3').split('_');
function processRawMask(mask) {
var characterCount = 0;
maskCaretMap = [];
maskPatterns = [];
uiMaskFormat = '';
if (typeof mask === 'string') {
minRequiredLength = 0;
var isOptional = false,
splitMask = mask.split('');
angular.forEach(splitMask, function(chr, i) {
if (linkOptions.maskDefinitions[chr]) {
uiMaskFormat += getMaskFormatChar(i);
if (!isOptional) {
} else if (chr === '?') {
isOptional = true;
} else {
uiMaskFormat += chr;
// Caret position immediately following last position is valid.
maskCaretMap.push(maskCaretMap.slice().pop() + 1);
maskComponents = getMaskComponents();
maskProcessed = maskCaretMap.length > 1 ? true : false;
function blurHandler() {
oldCaretPosition = 0;
oldSelectionLength = 0;
if (value.length === 0) {
valueMasked = '';
scope.$apply(function() {
function mouseDownUpHandler(e) {
if (e.type === 'mousedown') {
iElement.bind('mouseout', mouseoutHandler);
} else {
iElement.unbind('mouseout', mouseoutHandler);
iElement.bind('mousedown mouseup', mouseDownUpHandler);
function mouseoutHandler() {
/*jshint validthis: true */
oldSelectionLength = getSelectionLength(this);
iElement.unbind('mouseout', mouseoutHandler);
function eventHandler(e) {
/*jshint validthis: true */
e = e || {};
// Allows more efficient minification
var eventWhich = e.which,
eventType = e.type;
// Prevent shift and ctrl from mucking with old values
if (eventWhich === 16 || eventWhich === 91) {
var val = iElement.val(),
valOld = oldValue,
valUnmasked = unmaskValue(val),
valUnmaskedOld = oldValueUnmasked,
valAltered = false,
// caretPos = getCaretPosition(this) || 0,
caretPos = getCaretPosition(this, e.keyCode) || 0, //custom code by Milind
caretPosOld = oldCaretPosition || 0,
caretPosDelta = caretPos - caretPosOld,
caretPosMin = maskCaretMap[0],
caretPosMax = maskCaretMap[valUnmasked.length] || maskCaretMap.slice().shift(),
selectionLenOld = oldSelectionLength || 0,
isSelected = getSelectionLength(this) > 0,
wasSelected = selectionLenOld > 0,
// Case: Typing a character to overwrite a selection
isAddition = (val.length > valOld.length) || (selectionLenOld && val.length > valOld.length - selectionLenOld),
// Case: Delete and backspace behave identically on a selection
isDeletion = (val.length < valOld.length) || (selectionLenOld && val.length === valOld.length - selectionLenOld),
isSelection = (eventWhich >= 37 && eventWhich <= 40) && e.shiftKey, // Arrow key codes
isKeyLeftArrow = eventWhich === 37,
// Necessary due to "input" event not providing a key code
isKeyBackspace = eventWhich === 8 || (eventType !== 'keyup' && isDeletion && (caretPosDelta === -1)),
isKeyDelete = eventWhich === 46 || (eventType !== 'keyup' && isDeletion && (caretPosDelta === 0) && !wasSelected),
// Handles cases where caret is moved and placed in front of invalid maskCaretMap position. Logic below
// ensures that, on click or leftward caret placement, caret is moved leftward until directly right of
// non-mask character. Also applied to click since users are (arguably) more likely to backspace
// a character when clicking within a filled input.
caretBumpBack = (isKeyLeftArrow || isKeyBackspace || eventType === 'click') && caretPos > caretPosMin;
oldSelectionLength = getSelectionLength(this);
// These events don't require any action
if (isSelection || (isSelected && (eventType === 'click' || eventType === 'keyup'))) {
// Value Handling
// ==============
// User attempted to delete but raw value was unaffected--correct this grievous offense
if ((eventType === 'input') && isDeletion && !wasSelected && valUnmasked === valUnmaskedOld) {
while (isKeyBackspace && caretPos > caretPosMin && !isValidCaretPosition(caretPos)) {
while (isKeyDelete && caretPos < caretPosMax && maskCaretMap.indexOf(caretPos) === -1) {
var charIndex = maskCaretMap.indexOf(caretPos);
// Strip out non-mask character that user would have deleted if mask hadn't been in the way.
valUnmasked = valUnmasked.substring(0, charIndex) + valUnmasked.substring(charIndex + 1);
valAltered = true;
// Update values
valMasked = maskValue(valUnmasked);
oldValue = valMasked;
oldValueUnmasked = valUnmasked;
if (valAltered) {
// We've altered the raw value after it's been $digest'ed, we need to $apply the new value.
scope.$apply(function() {
// Caret Repositioning
// ===================
// Ensure that typing always places caret ahead of typed character in cases where the first char of
// the input is a mask char and the caret is placed at the 0 position.
if (isAddition && (caretPos <= caretPosMin)) {
caretPos = caretPosMin + 1;
if (caretBumpBack) {
// Make sure caret is within min and max position limits
caretPos = caretPos > caretPosMax ? caretPosMax : caretPos < caretPosMin ? caretPosMin : caretPos;
// Scoot the caret back or forth until it's in a non-mask position and within min/max position limits
while (!isValidCaretPosition(caretPos) && caretPos > caretPosMin && caretPos < caretPosMax) {
caretPos += caretBumpBack ? -1 : 1;
if ((caretBumpBack && caretPos < caretPosMax) || (isAddition && !isValidCaretPosition(caretPosOld))) {
// oldCaretPosition = caretPos;
if (eventType !== 'input') { // custom code by Milind
oldCaretPosition = caretPos;
setCaretPosition(this, caretPos);
function isValidCaretPosition(pos) {
return maskCaretMap.indexOf(pos) > -1;
// function getCaretPosition(input) {
function getCaretPosition(input, eventWhich) { //custom code by Milind
if (!input) return 0;
var isRemoving = eventWhich === 8 || eventWhich === 46; //custom code by Milind
if (input.selectionStart !== undefined) {
if (!isRemoving) { //custom code by Milind
input.selectionStart = input.selectionEnd;
return input.selectionStart;
} else if (document.selection) {
// Curse you IE
var selection = document.selection.createRange();
selection.moveStart('character', input.value ? -input.value.length : 0);
return selection.text.length;
return 0;
function setCaretPosition(input, pos) {
if (!input) return 0;
if (input.offsetWidth === 0 || input.offsetHeight === 0) {
return; // Input's hidden
if (input.setSelectionRange) {
input.setSelectionRange(pos, pos);
} else if (input.createTextRange) {
// Curse you IE
var range = input.createTextRange();
range.moveEnd('character', pos);
range.moveStart('character', pos);;
function getSelectionLength(input) {
if (!input) return 0;
if (input.selectionStart !== undefined) {
return (input.selectionEnd - input.selectionStart);
if (document.selection) {
return (document.selection.createRange().text.length);
return 0;
if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
Array.prototype.indexOf = function(searchElement /*, fromIndex */ ) {
if (this === null) {
throw new TypeError();
var t = Object(this);
var len = t.length >>> 0;
if (len === 0) {
return -1;
var n = 0;
if (arguments.length > 1) {
n = Number(arguments[1]);
if (n !== n) { // shortcut for verifying if it's NaN
n = 0;
} else if (n !== 0 && n !== Infinity && n !== -Infinity) {
n = (n > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(n));
if (n >= len) {
return -1;
var k = n >= 0 ? n : Math.max(len - Math.abs(n), 0);
for (; k < len; k++) {
if (k in t && t[k] === searchElement) {
return k;
return -1;
Secondly, make a directive for date in your directive.js to define the pattern, which will allow users to enter only valid date and prevents invalid entries.
.directive('myDate', function($filter, $parse) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
replace: true,
transclude: true,
template: '',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
scope.limitToValidDate = limitToValidDate;
var dateFilter = $filter("date");
var today = new Date();
var date = {};
function isValidMonth(month) {
return month >= 0 && month < 12;
function isValidDay(day) {
return day > 0 && day < 32;
function isValidYear(year) {
return year > (today.getFullYear() - 115) && year < (today.getFullYear() + 115);
function isValidDate(inputDate) {
inputDate = new Date(formatDate(inputDate));
// if (!angular.isDate(inputDate)) {
// return false;
// }
date.month = inputDate.getMonth(); = inputDate.getDate();
date.year = inputDate.getFullYear();
return (isValidMonth(date.month) && isValidDay( && isValidYear(date.year));
function formatDate(newDate) {
var modelDate = $parse(attrs.ngModel);
newDate = dateFilter(newDate, "MM/dd/yyyy");
modelDate.assign(scope, newDate);
return newDate;
var pattern = "^(0[1-9]|1[012])(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])(19|20)\\d\\d$" +
"|^(0[1-9]|1[012])(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])(19|20)\\d$" +
"|^(0[1-9]|1[012])(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])(19|20)$" +
"|^(0[1-9]|1[012])(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[12]$" +
"|^(0[1-9]|1[012])(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$" +
"|^(0[1-9]|1[012])([0-3])$" +
"|^(0[1-9]|1[012])$" +
var regexp = new RegExp(pattern);
function limitToValidDate(event) {
var key = event.charCode ? event.charCode : event.keyCode;
if ((key >= 48 && key <= 57) || key === 9 || key === 46) {
var character = String.fromCharCode(event.which);
var start = element[0].selectionStart;
var end = element[0].selectionEnd;
var testValue = (element.val().slice(0, start) + character + element.val().slice(end)).replace(/\s|\//g, "");
if (!(regexp.test(testValue))) {
At last, use this directive in a input field, you want to apply a date mask in your HTML file:
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About Author
Milind Ahuja
Milind is a bright Lead Frontend Developer and have knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, Angular 2+ Versions and photoshop. His hobbies are learning new computer techniques, fitness and interest in different languages.