Core Data Stack in iOS
Posted By : Varun Wadhwa | 10-Apr-2017
Core Data is poweful framework on iOS SDK that allows programmer to store and manage the data in Object Oriented way.
In this I'll explain core data stack :
Core Data stack composed of following layers.
1. Managed Object Model
2. Manged Object Context
3. Data Model
4. Persistant Store Coordinator
5. Persistant Object Store
Managed Object Model : It's collection of entity descrition, think about it as database schema and It represent our data model. NSManagedObjectModel class is use to implement it.
Managed Object Context : It keep track of all things we are doing with managed objects, it's a like a virtual board.
Managed Object : Represent the entity we want to store in core data. In swift NSManagedObject instances are use to represent our data.
Persistant Store : The object that represent actual db on disk. It is responsible to persist the data on disk.
Persistant Store Coordinator : It's the object that coordinate reading and writing of infofrom and to persistant store. It act as bridge between Managed object context and persistant store.
About Author
Varun Wadhwa
Varun is a mobile developer with experience in various technologies like Titanium , Cordova and native iOS development.