Common UI for iOS 7 and iOS 6 in titanium

Posted By : Deepankar katiyar | 13-Nov-2013

Here You will learn, how to  make common ui  for iOS 7 and iOS 6 . On  iOS 7 and later, all windows, including the first root window, are displayed as full screen with a transparent status bar . that’s why we are making common ui for  both.


var baseWindow = Ti.UI.createWindow({
	top : isIOS7() ? 20 : 0,

  • Create a new project in titanium.
  • Now, replace your “aap.js” code .
  • First create a base Window .
  • Then you will set background color property.

  • Then Create a navigation Group( A navigation Group implements a specialized view that manages the navigation of hierarchical content ).
  • The navigation group is created with the method.
  • Add nav Group in base Window. Write a function to test if device is iOS 7 or later.
function isIOS7() {

	if ( == 'iPhone OS') {
		var version = Titanium.Platform.version.split(".");
		var major = parseInt(version[0], 10);

		if (major >= 7) {
			return true;
	return false;


After that you will set the property in bas Window .

top :  isiOS7()  ? 20: 0,


This property work when device is iOS7 than window property set top = 20, otherwise top =0 if device is below iOS 7.

  • create a first Window
var firstWindow = Ti.UI.createWindow({
	backgroundColor : "#F0FFFF",
	navBarHidden : true


first Window add to navigation group.

Create a button add to first Window and this button to add a listener to move next window when you are click this button.

var next = Ti.UI.createButton({
	title : "NEXT",
	width : 100,
	height : 100,


  • now create a js file “nabBar.js” and this file write a code “common ui “ just like that nab Bar here we are create two view (nab Bar) and another is and back image in nab Bar . And add nab Bar first window through require property
exports.navBarView = function(params) {

	var navBar = Ti.UI.createView({
		height : "50dp",
		width : "100%",
		top : '0dp',
		left : '0dp',
		backgroundImage : '/images/nav_bar.png',


	var backButton = Ti.UI.createImageView({
		image : "/images/navBarBackButton.png",
		left : "5dp",
		height : Ti.UI.SIZE,
		width : Ti.UI.SIZE,
	if (params != null) {
		if (params.hasBack) {

	backButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
	return navBar;




This is a First window in common ui both iOS 7 and iOS 6.

  • After that you create a second window and same procedure to apply

This is a Second window in common ui both iOS 7 and iOS 6.

When You click back arrow you back in firstWindow

  • Here is "apps.js" file where you are create window and nabgroup, navbar.
var baseWindow = Ti.UI.createWindow({
	top : isIOS7() ? 20 : 0,
var navGroup = Ti.UI.iPhone.createNavigationGroup();
var navBar = require('/ui/common/nabBar');
function isIOS7() {

	if ( == 'iPhone OS') {
		var version = Titanium.Platform.version.split(".");
		var major = parseInt(version[0], 10);

		if (major >= 7) {
			return true;
	return false;

var firstWindow = Ti.UI.createWindow({
	backgroundColor : "#F0FFFF",
	navBarHidden : true
navGroup.window = firstWindow;;
var nab_bar1 = navBar.navBarView();

var next = Ti.UI.createButton({
	title : "NEXT",
	width : 100,
	height : 100,


var secondWindow = Ti.UI.createWindow({
	backgroundColor : "#F0FFFF",
	navBarHidden : true
var nab_bar2 = navBar.navBarView({
	hasBack : true,
	navGroup : navGroup,
	win : secondWindow

next.addEventListener('click', function(e) {;


You can create common ui for iOS 7 and iOS 6 . Hope it helps. -

About Author

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Deepankar katiyar

Deepanker is an iPhone and Android application developer with experience in Titanium and Phonegap frameworks.

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