Accelerating Construction Processes With IoT

Posted By : Anirudh Bhardwaj | 11-Jan-2020

As of today, investors are willing to spend huge amounts of money to ensure that their construction projects take less time to complete. Several technological advancements in the field of construction and mining have enabled real-estate companies to accelerate their construction projects. 


Internet of Things (IoT) significantly impacts the operations in the construction industry with a focus on increasing transparency and traceability. Using IoT in construction processes streamlines routine tasks, thereby increasing the overall construction efficiency. An increasing number of real-estate brands and construction companies are using smart IoT devices to accelerate their processes. 


In this blog post, we will discuss how the next-gen technologies like IoT are enabling construction companies to improve their operations. 


Maintenance and Productivity

Machine-to-machine (M2M) communications are effective at improving decision-making processes by effortlessly carrying out day-to-day tasks and activities. M2M communications enable predictive maintenance across various construction processes for enhanced productivity. The main benefit of predictive maintenance is that it enables companies to take preventive measures to tackle the potential challenges. Besides, it prevents the unnecessary use of available resources. For example, it will prompt the owners to make a tough call only if necessary.  


The use of field sensors aid construction companies to monitor the availability of material and check its quality with respect to climatic conditions like temperature, humidity, and air pollutants.   


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Tracking and Monitoring 

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), drone cameras, and autonomous vehicles are rapidly gaining traction in the construction business. 


The real-time tracking of construction sites is essential to maintain an optimal level of security and increase the overall productivity. IoT-enabled UAVs in conjunction with cloud-based systems enable construction companies to minimize idle hours and reduce theft instances. These equipment are commonly used in large-scale construction projects for remote monitoring, shipment of material, and surveillance purposes. UAVs are effective at conducting routine inspection of remote construction sites and monitor work progress. 


Drone cameras provide high-resolution images of various construction sites, allowing project owners, engineers, and managers to spot defects and potential loopholes. Timely resolution of these issues is essential to ensure effective infrastructure planning and long-term durability of the proposed architecture.  


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Waste Management

Construction sites produce huge chunks of waste every day, the disposal of which can be a challenging task for construction companies. Ineffective handling of this waste can lead to serious health problems, biological hazards, and environmental issues. It is, therefore essential to take effective measures to keep the construction site clean with appropriate waste disposal techniques. 


IoT-enabled waste management systems continuously monitor the trash levels and prompt the concerned workers to remove the waste when required. Timely removal of waste also prevents construction companies from being penalized by authorities due to improper waste handling. Robots can be used to accelerate and automate the process of waste removal. Several automobile companies are working on innovative projects like developing autonomous dump trucks, excavators, and waste carriers. These vehicles are currently being tested and are expected to become operational in the coming years.       


Closing Thoughts

Despite the numerous benefits of IoT, many people fear that the implementation of IoT devices in construction will lead to massive job losses. However, experts predict that implementing IoT in construction will, in fact, create more job opportunities. Besides, it will foster technological awareness amongst workers who can be in sync with the engineers for improved workforce efficiency. Autonomous construction equipment will improve business models, increase work efficiency, reduce human errors, and prevent worksite injuries. 


Avail Our Services To Develop IoT Apps For Construction Management

Oodles Technologies is an IoT application development company that builds interactive apps for IoT devices and construction-based smart equipment. We have successfully completed several full-scale IoT projects for startups and SMEs from across the globe. Our development team formulates effective strategies to overcome complex construction-related challenges with tech-driven techniques and Industry 4.0 technologies.

About Author

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Anirudh Bhardwaj

Anirudh is a Content Strategist and Marketing Specialist who possess strong analytical skills and problem solving capabilities to tackle complex project tasks. Having considerable experience in the technology industry, he produces and proofreads insightful content on next-gen technologies like AI, blockchain, ERP, big data, IoT, and immersive AR/VR technologies. In addition to formulating content strategies for successful project execution, he has got ample experience in handling WordPress/PHP-based projects (delivering from scratch with UI/UX design, content, SEO, and quality assurance). Anirudh is proficient at using popular website tools like GTmetrix, Pagespeed Insights, ahrefs, GA3/GA4, Google Search Console, ChatGPT, Jira, Trello, Postman (API testing), and many more. Talking about the professional experience, he has worked on a range of projects including Wethio Blockchain, BlocEdu, NowCast, IT Savanna, Canine Concepts UK, and more.

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